Archive | July 2014

Causing a Flood

I really don't know what all the fuss was about. All I did was chew a bit of rubber! How was I to know it would case a flood?

I’m in the doghouse again! I really don’t know what all the fuss was about. All I did was chew a bit of rubber tube! How was I to know it would cause a flood?

I was a bit of a naughty girl last night. When I was bored I found a secret flap at the bottom of Mum’s washing machine in my room and I opened it. Inside there was a bit of rubber tube dangling down, so I chewed it a bit. When Mum came down to sort out my room, she put the flap back, without noticing that there was a loose bit of rubber. Then she put on her washing and went to make a cup of coffee.

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Loose in the Lounge

Is this a good enough "Lie down" for you?

Is this a good enough “Lie down” for you?

I’m fifteen weeks old today. I’ve had a fantastic weekend with Mum. It’s been a bit hot though. We’ve been going out early in the morning for a walk around the block, and again very late in the evening. We don’t see any dogs in the morning, but there are a few around late in the evening. I met the big grey Poodle again who was walking his dad and a Westie. His dad gave us all some treats.

Most of the day I’ve been Continue reading

Splashing about on a Sunday

Getting really wet now in Mum's old dog basket

Getting really wet now in Mum’s old dog basket

I’m fourteen weeks old today. I like Sundays when Mum’s at home. We started off with a lovely long early morning walk, before breakfast. I only met one friendly dog, and we sniffed each other’s noses. There were two very pretty Miniature Schnauzers walking their dad, but they were barking their heads off when they saw me, so I sat down and waited for them to go by. Mum said I was a very good girl for walking to heel most of the way round our walk.

After breakfast Mum was pruning things in the garden. I was trying to help, but Continue reading

Walking round the block

2014-07-21 19.56.31 2

Reluctant to go further, I sit down pointedly, but Mum takes no notice.

Mum keeps taking me out around the “blocks” near her house. It seems that there are several ways we can go, so that we can also walk down the grassy lanes between different housing estates where we live. Sometimes I don’t really want to go very far and I keep sitting down and looking back.  I would have thought that it should be obvious to her that I want to go back home. She doesn’t take any notice though and keeps saying “Come on” to me. I keep going to please her, but I’m not happy that she ignores my wishes.

Yesterday it was Continue reading

Meeting new dogs

Boy I'm tired! That was an awesome walk.

Boy I’m tired! That was an awesome walk.

Well, I’ve just done my third lap around the block and I’m loving it.

Last night I met another puppy called Roxy. She was much smaller than me even though she was two weeks older. Mum had a bit of a natter with Roxy’s mum while I was getting to know Roxy. Then along came two more people who had an even smaller dog with them who was two years old! All three of us had a bit of a play together while the humans were chatting. Then two great big white dogs came along with their owners. One of them came to sniff me and I was a bit scared so I Continue reading

Out in the big wide world


Thanks for taking me for a walk, Mum. Can we do it again later when I've got my breath back please?

Thanks for taking me for a walk, Mum. Can we do it again later when I’ve got my breath back please?

Today I was locked in my run all day and there had been a lot of banging and crashing noises going on inside my house while two workmen were installing a new boiler in our garage. Mum said that I needed to let off some steam because I kept annoying the men while they were working up the alley way, so she put on my collar and lead.

I thought she was going to walk me around the garden, like she usually does, but she took me out the back gate and Continue reading

My first walk

I want to go out!

I want to go out!

Mum gave me my usual evening walk on a lead around the garden then said that, as it was a week since I had my injections, we could go out the front and walk up the road to the corner and back. At first I was very happy to go out of the front door. I’d done that before and walked up our driveway to the car when we went to the vet. However, Continue reading

Going to the vet

My crate in Mum's car

My crate in Mum’s car

Yesterday Mum took me in her car to the vet. She had put my crate in the back of her car, so I was quite happy to get into it, wondering whether I was going back to visit my birth mother and my siblings. I was quite good at traveling this time, as I had my familiar blankets around me, and only shrieked a little bit for the first part of the journey.

When we got there, Mum went in without me at first and then Continue reading