Archive | December 2014

Dog Sitting

1604371_10152861199040781_3325865567005167967_nMy auntie has come over to stay with us for a month so I have some company during the day now when Mum is at work. The first day Mum went to work, while I was outside supposedly to use the toilet, I decided to dig a hole in the only bit of my run that hasn’t been slabbed.  I got covered in mud. My poor auntie had to tie me up while she cleaned me up before Mum came home to see the mess I’d made.

Next day Mum was off work and I did the same thing again, so they went to buy some kerb stones to fill in the space down my alley way (my toilet area). Mum gave me a mini-bath because I was going to my GSD Xmas party in the evening. When she had finished I smelled like a powder puff! (I still do 🙂 ) Continue reading

Our Xmas Party

Watching the games wearing my antlers

Watching the games wearing my antlers

I’ve been too busy to post anything on my blog recently, but I must tell you all about my GSD training club Xmas party.

I had a fantastic time. I met lots more big GSD’s who were in the intermediate and advanced classes (I’m only a beginner). Lots of dogs and owners came in fancy dress, but Mum and I just wore something a bit Christmassy. I was wearing some silly antlers, but they were annoying me all evening and I kept trying to get them off. Continue reading