Archive | April 2017

3 years old today

Hip, hip hooray!
I’m three years old today.

Doggone! I haven’t posted anything for months! Well I have been very busy, that’s why. I’ve moved house and I now live in Cornwall, just under a mile from the sea. It’s fantastic here. I have a much bigger area in the garden to run around in, and there is a park outside the front of my house for mum to take me out walking.

We didn’t go to the beach much during the winter as Mum doesn’t like me getting wet when it is cold, but we did go down to the beach on Xmas Day and New Year’s Day I had a splash about in the beach stream. I expect we will be going to the beach more often now that the weather is warmer. I have had plenty of sea air though because Mum and I like walking around the coastal path up on the cliffs. Sometimes it has been so very windy up there that Mum could hardly stand up and even I didn’t like it blowing into my face much. Continue reading